Over Exaggeration is ©2000/2001
Alex "Plutonium.M" MacKay
and Paul "Nikells" Nicholls.
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Incredibly Stupid People/Stories

**Warning! Language ahead may not be suitable for younger readers**

February 26, 2001

Revrend PS2
I may like games, but NOT this much. This guy actually started a Playstation 2 religeon. Now is it just me who thinks that is incredibly weird. I mean how will you practice it? Every sunday they bring their PS2 to the special "church" and play games of Street Fighter 3 until their thumbs fall off. Anyway thats not the point. The point is this guys life literally revolves around games. This addiction was so bad that his girlfriend left him and he let her because he just couldn't part with his PS2. That is just plain and utterly sad.

XFL Stupidity
Well not only is the sport stupid, but the people who watch it are aswell. While watching the game in the stadium some of the audience members thought it was a good idea to shove a disabled person down the aisle and over the edge. While on the ground bleeding from his head after falling on it they started throwing stuff at him ... I don't know what to say ... that is just plain moronic.

Hit a person, get money
Well then, if this isn't the biggest story of greed I've ever seen. This guy hit a deaf and mute woman the SUED HER for it. Ummm ... isn't it supposed to fo the other way around? He claims that that he was very stressed because of it and could never concentrate. It caused his devorce and all this other shit. Well shit, how do you think this deaf and mute woman would have felt. She Bloody hit by a car. But nooo ... gimme gimme gimme.

February 16, 2001

Phone sex to the nth degree
Well this one is really stupid. Apparently a couple were playing some sex games and decided it would be a good idea to put one of their cell phones up the girls bum. Is it just me, or does that just ASK for trouble. Soon the couple noticed that ... hmm ... it's a bit too far in there, and they couldn't get it out. So what did they do? They go to the hospital to get it removed ... I don't know what to say. Really I don't. Allright I do. Not only is it stupid to put the phone up another persons bum, but I think you would know when to STOP! I mean, I think it's logical to say that if you lose sight of a object while it's in some ones bum you have a problem. What did this people do? Deeper, and deeper the vibrating phone went.
What I would like to know is what they planned to do with the phone afterwards. I mean ... it was just in some ones bum, and your still gonna bring that close to your ear? You just don't do that type of thing, people. You just don't. I don't think I need to tell you that.

Guy is arrested because he admitted having sex with a 15 year old on Jerry Springer
Well lesse here. Not only did this guy admit to having sex with a 15 year old (and getting her pregnant BTW) but he admitted it on NATIONAL TELEVISION! Well considering nearly all the people that go on Jerry Springer are inbred Hillbillies, he probably thought that he was in "TV Land" where the laws of the real world can't apply to him. Silly Hillbilly, you should know better than that.
What I find really stupid is HE invited HER to go on the show, and therefore HE opened the door for himself to be caught. Of course being stupid is no defense to having sex with a minor. I mean that's just not right man. I'm 17 (almost 18) and I wouldn't have sex with a 15 year old (not like I could have sex anyway) If I met this guy I would deliver a swift kick into the testicles. Although I'm sure he will get much worse treatment in prison. "Hey bubba, what's the new guy in for" "He's a sex offender" "Oh this is gonna be pretty ironic isn't it?"

Muslims blame Earthquake on TV
Well it's bad enough they are blamed for violence, but causing a natural disaster? Really now. Normally I'm not one to insult other religions or beliefs, but this is just way too stupid. I'm sorry it's just that I can't believe that people actually truly think Television is the cause of an earthquake. I'm really sorry for the losses in the earthquake, but really now don't blame television. It brings laughter and togetherness into the household. Of course there is some "questionable" materially, but that can't cause a NATURAL disaster. Earthquakes are science, not religion, sorry to burst their bubble but I doubt "Allah" killed all those people because he was annoyed so many people were watching TV (Once again, NO racism was meant to be portrayed in this, if you were racially offended I truly truly apologize)

February 9, 2001

Man sends CRAP through mail
Ahh Christ. Oh bloody Christ. I can't believe there is some sick pervert out there sending is FECES to other people through the mail. How incredibly disturbing is that. Can you imagine getting CRAP in your mail. "Hey look we got a package!" "What's in it" *opens package* "It's a steaming pile of shit" "Oh it can't be that bad" "No that's what it is ... shit" "Oh ... gross". What's worse is that it happened close to where I live. New Westminister is just a 15 minute drive away. What I don't understand is why this guy sent out his feces in the mail. What does he do? Send them then jack-off to the thought of a person opening the package to find his feces? That's just plain gross. The guy must have been a idiot for thinking he could get away with this. I mean that is just nasty man.

Highschool boy puts own pubic hair in food and gives it to others
Spices aren't enough for you? Need to add a personal touch? Your very own pubic hair is exactly the thing you want. Makes great conversation and you will be the center of attention. Of course it won't be good attention as you will probably be suspended and everyone will think you are a freak. There is a very thin line between weird-guy and a all out freak, and I think this guy passed it. I shudder at the thought of finding someone else's pubic air in my cake. I mean I wouldn't mind my own - it would still disgust me - but finding someone else's hair would give me a sudden urge to hurl out everything I had consumed over the last 24 hours. I think we all know who will be a future molester now don't we?

February 2, 2001

Man Cuts hand off with saw, then shoots himself in the head with nail gun
OK ... what the hell? How stupid is this guy? First he cuts off his hand with a electric saw. OK .. that stuff happens, its not THAT big of a deal. But that's not it. Because he can't stand the pain of his now severed hand he starts shooting himself in the head with a nail gun in a attempt to make the pain in his HAND stop. Maybe it's just me, but usually inflicting more pain on yourself ISN'T GOING TO STOP THE HURTING. If this guy had any brain cells before this accident he probably crushed and destroyed them after doing this. Congratulations sir, you are now officially THE "Over Exaggeration Incredibly Stupid Person" or a OEISP... that actually sounds worse.

Kid puts himself on fire because he saw it on TV
Aahh Christ. Do any of you know that show Jackass on MTV? Good because I don't. Apparently this kid saw a guy on this show put himself on fire and - despite ALL the warnings before, during and after the show - the kid decided it would be a good idea to put gasoline on himself and light himself on fire. I don't know what this kid was thinking. At a very young age I found out fire was bad by putting my hand on a hot stove pipe. It was in a bandage several weeks afterward. I'm thinking this kid never had a similar event which helped him figure out fire IS BAD. I won't say this kid deserved it for being such a moron, but he damn well had it coming to him. I guess the lifetime of ridicule and being known as "The kid who put himself on fire" or maybe just "FUCKING RETARD" will teach him a lesson.

Have a story fit to be a OEISP? Well tell me about it. Remember, I'm looking for incredibly stupid stuff here, not just plain 'ol stupid.