Over Exaggeration is ©2000/2001
Alex "Plutonium.M" MacKay
and Paul "Nikells" Nicholls.
Over Exaggeration is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics


Listed in the order I found them in.

A comic that has been around for over 2 years now. Updated daily and very funny.
Definitely one of the forefathers in "gaming comics". Kinda like a political comics for games sometimes. Other times it's just plain crazy stuff.
Just turned a year old. Also a gaming comic, or more like computer geek comic. Very well done and updated daily. A definite favorite.
Two guys get stuck in Tokyo Japan and need to get out. Problem is they are major gamers and are easily distracted. Very well done Anime feel to it.
A good quality gaming comic. Very good unique look. Only updated twice a week (if at all ... lately anyway :) but still funny.
Very story oriented comic. Not like that is a bad thing. About a company called Cool Cat Studio. Very funny and with many twists in the story line. Recommend it to anyone.
Since when did cute little furry animals become twisted? Ummm ... this should really be for more mature people ... or really immature little kids. Either way this comic really gives me a good laugh.
Very talented artist at work here. I love this guys work, edgy, but not to edgy. It's just the kind of stuff you can get away with without getting in trouble from ... you know, whoever is really sensitive.
A very nice and large listings of webcomics. I would suggest this site to anyone who is looking for some more comic goodness but doesn't know where to start. I'm basically putting this here so that hopefully they will link me here ... hey at least I'm honest.
Another large listing of comics. Kinda like a search engine, hence the sorta copied name Wahoo. Of course I am just guessing about that bit.! Smidge picked me up while I was running my little own gaming news site (no you can't see it) and it's all been up hill since then. I owe so much to this site. (Not working at the moment)
You healthy daily intake of violence, sex and great story lines. Very unique comic and has been getting very deep story lines.
Seven3 (the author) helped me to get this site up and running so this is the obligatory link :D Haven't read much of the comic, but seems pretty good.
This is a very well done comic. Has a certain "Dragonball" feel to it, not like it is a bad thing. The characters are all funny in their own way and the comic has it's own very deep meaning. Check it out.
By god this is funny stuff. This comic is based on (believe it or not ) Megaman. This is pure gold man, and after reading the entire archive in one day I suggest this comic to everyone.
This guy linked to me so I'm repaying the favor. This actually is a good comic. For whatever reason I really understand the main character and the actions around him.
Weird a all around cooky characters make this one great comic. Each character is unique, and if they aren't they try to change that.
A great anime style comic with a good story line. Everything you want with a anime comic, babes and robots, rolled into one.
Yet another great anime style comic. While at it's core it is another "computer geek" comic, I think anybody can really enjoy it. Just wish this button wasn't so big.
This originally started off as a comic that I probably would never have linked. It was full of sex and nudity, which I don't think a comic should sport as it's main attention grabber. Although now it has really matured and is beautifully colored. Check it out now.
A comic about a guy that could never get a break and all the bad things happen to him, until recently that is.
More to come
Always looking for more good comic.